Judy and I took a mini winter vacation. Highlights of the trip were visiting the Atlanta family, the Georgia Aquarium, Wythe exibit at the High, and some day hiking in FDR State park. This view is from FDR's favorite picnic spot. The bronze plaque noted that he picnicked with linnen table cloth, silver, and multicourse hot meals. We took the more rustic approach to our adventure.... gorp.

FDR park is suprisingly the largest sate park in GA. It has nice rolling hills, great overlooks, well-maintained trails, and (at least at this season) very few visitors. We only saw 3 other hikers in 3 days, and they were close to the campgrounds. Most of our previous hiking has been in spring and summer when the flora is green and visibility is limited. Being able to see great distance through the mixed hardwood forest kept us constantly on the lookout for a fleeting glimpse of game. Apparently the view works both ways. The only deer we saw were 2 white flags. I did however, when topping a steep ridge, startle a very large flock of wild turkey. They briefly covered the hillside with their black and copper hasty retreat.

The trails frequently followed mountain streams adding audio to the visual treat. The first day of hiking was particularly bright with a high blue sky and calm air. Only snow could have made the woods more quiet.

In fact the next day rain made the woods more wet. Not really a problem for the well-equipped hiker. It was just a steady cool rain. Not the kind of summer deluge that makes rushing, knee deep rapids out of hiking trails.

Our accomodations were the most grand yet of any of our adventures in the woods. We both long to get back to the "live out of a pack" for a week or more, but this was a nice change of pace.
I had settled down with a good book on this evening only to be mesmerized by the fire.
Late that night, after bedtime, Judy reported that some Assholes with a boombox arrived at a nearby cabin to entertain her with their loud music til the wee hours.

And we did have some other horribly noisy neighbors. They would set up a racous racket if they thought there was any chance you might feed them. The light is not so good in this picure. It was taken
very early in the morning in front of the Assholes cabin. Shortly after this, one of us inadvertently hit the panic button while trying to open the rear gate of the van.
Back to the grind, but filled with fond memories.
The trip was actually ended with a terrible crash. I have tried to steele myself to the inevitible cycles of nature., but I don't always just accept them. Sometimes they can be modified and manipulated to vary the timing, but the outcome is always the same. Fine china is an example. It was once just an ugly glob of mud, even part of a burning star before that, but then changed to its present state to be viewed, admired, used, appreciated and then returned to its elemental state. But, as is often the case with human interference, trying to prevent the inevitable often hastens it. I carefully wrapped my fine china between two hanging bags for a smooth ride home. The ride was fine. Remembering what I had done was the short circuit. Maybe in another Universe.
# posted by B @ 5:50 AM